Putting conflict resolution into action

Powerful tools to navigate differences AND increase workplace performance.

You feel unsure about how to navigate sensitive topics. You know you are in a place of power and privilege, but you don't know how to explore it. You're scared to bring up certain topics for fear of conflict. There are evidence based ways to build bridges amongst differences. This course shows managers how to put this into action with a rich tool kit and everyday applications.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Managers: Build Bridges & Resolve Conflict

    2. Welcome

    3. What Can Go Wrong?

    4. How to use this course

    5. Your Goals

    6. Meet Michael Eatman

    7. Course Outline

    8. Link to Purpose

    9. Put Purpose to Action

    1. Step 0

    2. Tool 1: Your Cultural Wallet

    3. Try It Out: Your Cultural Wallet

    4. Tool 2: Building Your Own Readiness

    5. Try It Out: Change Starts Within

    6. Tool 3: Mutual Invitation

    7. Try It Out: Mutual Invitation

    1. Step 1: Engaging

    2. Introduction

    3. Tool 1: Balance Scale Process

    4. Try it Out: Balance Scale

    5. Tool 2: Big Assumptions

    6. Try it Out: Big Assumptions

    7. Tool 3: Recognizing Patterns

    8. Try it Out: Recognizing Patterns

    1. Step 2: Exploring

    2. Intro to Exploring

    3. Tool 1: Cultural Competence

    4. Try It Out: Cultural Competence

    5. Tool 2: Small Clues

    6. Try It Out: Small Clues

    1. Step 3: Committing

    2. Introduction to Committing

    3. Tool 1: LEAP

    4. Try It Out: LEAP Model

    5. Tool 2: Link to Purpose

    6. Try It Out: Link to Purpose

    7. Tool 3: "I" to "We"

    8. Try It Out: "I" to "We"

    1. Reflect

    2. Recognizing Patterns

    3. Practicing Compassionate Engagement

    4. Try It Out: Practicing Compassionate Engagement

    5. What's Next?

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 21 videos
  • 16 actionable tools
  • Interactive workbook

Build Bridges

with yourself, with others, and with your organization