Course curriculum

    1. Logistics

    2. Preparation for the Learning Journey

    1. Course Overview

    2. The Need

    3. What Makes a Valid Assessment?

    4. Research Background

    5. Introducing EVS

    1. Exploring the EVS

    2. Implementing the Process

    3. What to do with findings (part I): an interview with Blossom Pidduck Six Seconds Senior Consultant and Head of School

    4. What to do with findings (part II): an interview with Blossom Pidduck Six Seconds Senior Consultant and Head of School

    5. Practicing with EVS - Mentorship

    6. Practicing with EVS - Small EVS Practicum

    1. EVS Applications and Integration

    2. Review the Resources and Join the Community

    3. Final Reflection and Feedback

    4. EVS FAQs

    1. Congratulations and Next Steps

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 18 lessons

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